ADI-diary introducing tutorDIARY, the next generation of technology for driving instructors

Technology for driving instructors

February 12, 2013
Issue 23
Back to Content Dear tutorDIARY user,

We are pleased to announce four new upgrades, which are planned for 15 February 2013

Upgrade 1
The new system allows every instructor and driving school to have a personalised login page, containing your own logos, images, links and text. Your web designer can create a single page which will be displayed when you login to your diary. Instructions and sample pages will be published on our website, shortly after the upgrade takes place.

Upgrade 2
Improvements have been made to block bookings. The system automatically calculates the correct amount for a given lesson duration. Similar calculations are performed as a lesson is dragged and dropped on to a diary slot.

Upgrade 3
The new system has better search facility. You will immediately be able to see the improvement when you click Pupils Label with the little magnifying glass.

Pupils Quick Search
As characters are entered, names of pupils appear in the list with corresponding status: Active, Passed etc. When the mouse hovers over the pupil name, the phone number and postcode are displayed. This allows viewing essential info without opening pupil’s profile.

Instructors Quick Search
As characters are entered, names of instructors appear in the list with corresponding status. Active instructors are labelled Active; Inactive instructors have a blank label. When the mouse hovers over the instructor name, the priority and qualifications are displayed.

Upgrade 4
To improve our services, is moving to a bigger more powerful server. This will allow us to make future upgrades and perform maintenance more efficiently and usually allows the diary to remain online, which makes tutorDIARY a high availability system.

To make the switchover seamless, we have changed the domain name for login pages. The login pages will be located at

After the switchover, will contain website, user guide, and will redirect you to, which will contain actual login pages to the diary system.

The service will be switched off on 15 February 2013 at 00:15am for one hour, then when the system goes back online all the changes will take effect.

The switchover is planned for 15 February 2013
Important: Please update your links

Newsletter Editor: Anita Campbell
Technical Support: Gregory Schechter
Tutor Diary programing team
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